Home Destinations A Cultural Tour Safari In Uganda

A Cultural Tour Safari In Uganda

by Derrick

Uganda is a country with the highest diversity of culture. A multiplicity of ethnicity, languages, foods, people, beliefs and many other traditional norms are comprised in the Ugandan culture. Uganda cultural safaris will avail opportunities to explore; and enjoy the unexplored Uganda’s culture and the hidden treasure in learning it.

Head Over To The Uganda’s museum

Undertake a cultural tour to Uganda’s museums to find out the historical tools and numerous artifacts that were used in the pastThat is from the pre-cambrian ages to the recent past and the royal drums. Most of these found at the National museum and other regional museums

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Discover and Explore

There are a variety of historical monuments and statues scattered within Kampala city presenting great personalities, historical events and many other significant situations in the nation’s past. The notable monuments include the independence monument, Kabaka Muteesa 1 statue, Sir. Apollo Kaggwa monument, the liberation statue among others.

While on a historical cultural tour to Uganda , expect a lot to be offered than you expect. Definitely you will flight out with your take home, locally crafted souvenir for memories.

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